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Monitor Commvault with RapDev’s Integration

Centralize Commvault performance and health metrics within Datadog
min read
Cameron Buckner
March 19, 2024

What is Commvault?

Commvault is an enterprise data platform that contains modules to back up, restore, archive, replicate, and search for data. Commvault focuses on ensuring organizations can effectively manage and protect their data across multiple environments, including on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.

A Look into Rapdev’s Datadog Commvault Integration.

Rapdev’s Commvault integration pulls in critical data from Jobs, libraries, storage pools, and alerts as metrics and events. Pulling this data into Datadog allows you to take advantage of their powerful monitoring capabilities, dashboard visualizations, and build SLO/KPIs to ensure your environment is always performing at its best.

Job Metrics

Jobs are tasks executed by Commvault for Updates, Data backup, recovery, and many more data management operations. Monitoring Jobs is critical to ensure your data is successfully backed up, recoveries are happening in a timely fashion, and the latest updates and patches are successfully installed. 

The Commvault integration allows you to view Job data directly in Datadog without needing to navigate your Commvault instances built in views. Job Metrics in Datadog allow you to take advantage of the powerful alerting capabilities and take action on Jobs by error codes and statuses on which jobs failed to start, pending, and more.

Library Storage

In Commvault, libraries are storage destinations for your backups. They can be tape libraries, disk libraries, or cloud storage. Efficient monitoring of library storage is essential for optimal storage management and data retrieval.

The Commvault integration allows you to manage Libraries statuses, type, and more to manage available capacity and establish forecast monitors to ensure your libraries have optimal capacity to hold data, backups, and maximum uptime.

Storage Pool Insights

Storage pools are logical collections of disk volumes or cloud storage libraries. Storage pools help in viewing pool status and optimizing storage resources and data management. 

The Commvault integration allows you to build SLOs based on uptime, ensuring the pool consistently stays online. You can also take advantage of the Datadog monitoring platform to forecast when your pools start getting low on available storage space, enabling teams to plan ahead for forecasted low storage.

Alerts with Datadog Events

Commvault has alerts for various events such as job failures, successful completions, storage thresholds, and more. These alerts notify you of what is happening within your environment. 

The Commvault integration live streams these Alerts as Datadog Events, allowing you to leverage the Datadog platform to display alerts, create monitors, and create SLOs based on the data from your Commvault environment. You can also track event statuses and receive more in depth information and context for failed jobs.

Interested in trialing the integration? Check it out in the Datadog Marketplace!

This isn't the integration you're looking for? Missing a critical feature for your organization? Drop RapDev a note at support@rapdev.io and we'll build it!

Written by
Cameron Buckner
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta raised engineer with experience in data engineering. I enjoy tinkering with cars, longboarding, and visiting state parks!